07785426127 - email: bestlifedogrescue@gmail.com
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Before we can match a dog with you you will need to visit our adoptions page and read the details on all our dogs. Each dog has a profile with details on their temperament and the sort of homes they are looking for. Once you have read the information and find the dog that best matches you and your lifestyle then click on the adopt me button and fill in an application form. If you are unable to fill in the application form please email us with details about yourself to bestlifedogrescue@gmail.com We will then come back to you to discuss further.
Having filled in an application we will come back to you via a telephone call if we think you may be a good match for the dog you have applied for or indeed another dog we have in our care. We will discuss your living arrangements, exercise levels and past dog ownership experience as well as other family members and may need to speak to any partners to ensure they are as comitted in taking on a new dog also. We will try to acknowledge your application even if we feel that the dog applied for does not match your lifestyle and criteria but if you do not hear from us within 10 days, please assume you have not been successful. Although we try hard to get back to everyone, we are a small team and this is not always possible, or we may miss the odd contact in error. In this case, please feel free to contact us and we will happily let you know the status of your application.
The next stage is for our rescue to aquire a video of your garden and property., usually by Whatsapp or messenger, so please make sure that you have one these apps downloaded prior to this step or you contact a realtive who may already have it to help you. We will need you to show us each boundary (including gates), close up, from top to bottom, around the whole of the garden and behind any sheds or outbuildings. If you have any bushes or trees, we will need to see under them to see what is behind them and if there is any way a dog could escape. Please remember rescue dogs, can be very nervous and used to escaping situations they feel scared or threatened in, so please do not assume that just because your past or current dogs have never managed to escape, that your new dog will not be able to either. We will then let you know if you have passed or failed and the reasons why and suggest possible amendments to make safe. We will then ask for another video to prove these suggestions have been put in place safely and securely before proceeding any further. As part of our process we also ask for Vet references. This is to check and existing or previous pets have been well cared for from a veterinary perspective and they have been kept up to date with annual vaccinations, completed any treatments advised by a vet regarding serious issues/illness and have been neutered. Finally we ask for a copy of your drivers licence or other picture ID, showing your address also. We do all these checks to ensure our dogs are going into genuine homes and will be safe and cared for as they deserve. We are subscribed as a rescue and adhere to GDPR rules and any information collected in this process will not be shared with any outside persons or companies and is soley used for the purpose of rehoming one of our dogs.
Once all of the above requirements have been met, you will be invited to our foster home to meet the dog and we ask that all members of the household including any resident dog(s) are present. If all goes well you will be approved for adoption and arrangements will then be made for an adoption date. Some dogs do require more than one visit, especially if they are particulalry nervous or need to get to know people first, so please be prepared for this. Our adoption fee is from £395 and includes full vaccinations, neutering (unless too young or old), a collar and usually a harness (subject to availability), microchipping and treatments for flea and worming, blood tests and health checks. Food is also given for your adopted dog as a starter pack wherever possible as well as 4 weeks free insurance with Petplan. Advice and support is also given by ourselves and we remain here to offer help and support once you have adopted the dog should you need it. For any more details on the adoption process please send us an email to bestlifedogrescue@gmail.com
Please make sure that you have given considerable thought to the lifetime commitment of owning a dog prior to undergoing any of the above procedures. Veterinary bills are costly and owning a dog is a huge responsibility and can be very time consuming . All dogs need dedicated time, care and are a lifetime commitment. But the joy and happiness they bring is second to no other experience in life you will ever experience we are sure you will agree.
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